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18/06/2017 – Repression in Polen gegen Migrant_innen: Solidarität mit Ameer Alkhawlany

Ihr hört einen Mitschnitt der Veranstaltung vom 25. Mai 2017 im EKH/Wien

Aus dem Ankündigungstext:
Border regime and migration politics towards non-EU migrants in Poland has a long history of brutality, racism and, in fact, fascism. Now we can say that the situation is getting worse and worse.

The initiative “Solidarity with Ameer” will present the story of an Iraqi student, who spent half a year in custody and was secretly deported (just after the court set him free), because Polish state accused him of “posing a potential threat to public safety” (without even presenting any evidence or actual accusation).

Border police, secret police, ministry of internal affairs and many others were involved. During the presentation you will learn about the details of this complex case as well as about solidarity campaign for justice for Ameer and against all deportations.