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18/04/2021 – Bad News#44


Diesmal hört ihr die April Ausgabe der Bad News, ebenfalls zu finden auf dem offiziellen Blog. Beiträge gibts von:

Radio Dissident Island – bulletin about what is going on in the UK

Črna luknja – interview about police violence with a comrade from Bristol

A-Radio-Berlin – interview with the organization mare liberum about illegal push-backs in the Mediterranean (you can find the whole interview in german lenguage here: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/mare-liberum-ueber-illegale-pushbacks-im-mittelmeer/ )

Asamblea Anarquista Valparaiso – audio about the hungerstrike of anarchist and prisoners of the revolt in the area dominated by the chilean state

Frequenz(A) – interview with a comrade from food not bombs myanmar about their work and the ongoing resistance

1431 AM – about the continuing student movement and the the trial of the anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos

The Final Straw – is sharing an interview with an incarcerated revolutionary with Jailhouse Lawyers Speak (you can find a transcript and the whole interview here: https://thefinalstrawradio.noblogs.org/post/2021/03/28/shut-em-down-2021-jailhouse-lawyers-speak/#ShutEmDown)

Radio A (Karlsruhe) – interview about a stopped dam project in the aragon region in spain

Radio Fragmata – Notes on repression and the struggles against the state and the police.

Total length: 1:48:04