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    ABC Wien aktivismus anarchafeminismus anarchismus antifaschismus antiknast antimilitarismus antirassismus arbeitskaempfe Aufstand Bad News besetzung bewegungsfreiheit buchvorstellung deutschland feminismus frauenbewegung Gefangene gefängnis geschichte griechenland hausbesetzung Interview italien knast lesung musik polizeigewalt proteste punk rassismus raumaneignung rechtsextremismus repression revolution russland selbstverwaltung Solidarität spanien tierbefreiung türkei USA vernetzung wagenplatz wien

21/08/2022 – B(A)D News #59

Episode 59 of bad news – angry voices from around the world.

With the following content:

  • A call out for the week in solidarity with anarchist prisoners.

See also: solidarity.international

  • a-radio-berlin did a interview about the the Weekend Libertaire, an anarchist meeting that took place from the 29th to 31st of July 2022 in St-Imier, in Switzerland. They talked to a comrade on the spot who helped to organize the meeting.

See also: https://anarchy2023.org/en

  • frequenzA did a interview with an comrade from A-feminist group “salomé” about their group, their work and the situation they face in the Greek society as in the movement.