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    ABC Wien aktivismus anarchafeminismus anarchismus antifaschismus antiknast antimilitarismus antirassismus arbeitskaempfe Aufstand Bad News besetzung bewegungsfreiheit buchvorstellung deutschland feminismus frauenbewegung Gefangene gefängnis geschichte griechenland hausbesetzung Interview italien knast lesung musik polizeigewalt proteste punk rassismus raumaneignung rechtsextremismus repression revolution russland selbstverwaltung Solidarität spanien tierbefreiung türkei USA vernetzung wagenplatz wien

21/11/2021 – BAD NEWS #50 & Angry Music

Wir freuen und Ausgabe #50 des BAD NEWS Podcasts zu senden. Davor und danach gibts noch ein wenig wütende Musik! Hier die Originalankündigung: Welcome to the 50th edition of B(A)D news: angry voices from around the world, a commonly produced monthly show of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio network, on this occasion composed by Črna Luknja, anarchist show on Radio Student from Slovenia. In this episode we will hear contributions from: – The Final Straw Radio (from southern Appalachia in the so-called US) shares a portion of their interview with members of Asheville Survival Program, an Abolitionist food distribution project operating for about a year and a half there. This conversation covers some of the nuts and bolts of the group and to hear an hour-long interview covering topics like burnout, propaganda, navigating around non-profits as a non-non-profit and mutual aid versus charity, you can check out the whole episode at their website. – Radio Show Elephant in the Room from Dresden reporting on last updates on the situation with repression against the opponents of dictatorship in Belarus, focusing on current situation with anarchists and the ways to support the radical movement. – FrequenzA, podcast from Northern Germany made an interview about the situation at the polish/belarusian border. – Črna Luknja, radio show collective on Radio Študent from Ljubljana, Slovenia, prepared an interview about the situation of political refugees in the Western Balkan. – Anarchist Radio Berlin prepared a report presenting some of the recent cases of racist police violence to show their continuity and to also put out a call for a coming demonstration on the matter of the murder of Giorgos zantiotis in a wuppertal police cell. –FrequenzA (again:) prepared an interview with workers from Domino’s Pizza in struggle.
Tracklist on our blog: a-radio.net

27/06/2021 – Frage der Solidarität & BAD NEWS #46

Die Sendung besteht aus 2 Teilen. Der erste Teil ist eine Kritik oder Frage der Solidarität im aktuellen Verfahren um den RAZ/RL/radikal Komplex von Criminals for Freedom.Der zweite Teil ist die aktuelle Ausgabe der BAD NEWS:
Greetings comrades to this, the 46th mostly monthly episode of Bad News, Angry Voices from Around the World.
This month, you’ll hear updates from Free Social Radio 1431 AM in Thessaloniki, Greece speaking on The trial of the anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos. the recent labor bill and the new obligatory shared custody law.
Next, you’ll hear an interview by A-Radio Berlin with comrades of Horn Anarchists on the situation in Ethiopia and war on the people of Tigray.
Followed by RadioZones of Subversive Expression in Athens sharing news of demonstrations against sexual harassment on public transit, changes in policy of public servants witnessing in court against members of the population, and struggles against the greenwashing of dispossession and infrastructure projects in Agrafa.
Finally, the lovelies at Frequenz-A share a longer interview sharing the perspectives of a student in Colombia about the current fracas against police, austerity, covid and for radical change.

07/02/2021 – BAD NEWS #42

Die aktuelle 42. Episode von Bad News – angry voices from around the world, der Gemeinschaftssendung des internationalen Netzwerks anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radios bringt folgende Beiträge [in Englischer Sprache]:

1) Crna Luknja (Slowenien) mit einem Solidaritätsaufruf für die Rog Factory, ein besetztes soziale Zentrum in Ljubljana, das nach 15 Jahren des Bestehens von Polizei und Securities brutal geräumt wurde.

2) Free social radio (Griechenland) berichtet von der Einrichtung eines Solidaritätsfonds für die Unterstützung von revolitionären politischen Gefangenen in Griechenland und über Dimitris Koufontinas, ehemals Mitglied der revolutionären Organisation 17. November, der sich in Hungerstreik gegen die willkürliche Verschärfung seiner Haftbedingungen befindet.

3) Elephant in the Room (Deutschland) bringt Ausschnitte eines Interviews mit zwei Anarchist_innen aus Russland, mit einer Einschätzung der aktuellen Massenproteste in Russland und deren Auslöser, des inhaftierten rechten Oppositionspolitikers Alexey Nawalny.

4) Das Anarchistische Radio Berlin erinnert in seinem Beitrag an den anarchistischen Revolutionär Peter Kropotkin, anlässlich der hundertsten Jahrzeit seines Todes am 8. Febraur 1921.

Und noch eine Ankündigung für kommenden Samstag, den 13. Februar 2021: von 14:00 bis 20:00 Uhr gibt es einen Livestream einer kollektiven Radiosendung von anarchistischen Radios aus der ganzen Welt!

Als dies und mehr zu finden auf der Website des anarchistischen und antiautoitären Radionetzwerks unter a-radio-network.org.

27/12/2020 – BAD NEWS #41

In dieser Sendung hört ihr eine gekürzte Version der Dezemberausgabe von Bad News. Die ganze Folge könnt ihr auf a-radio-network.org finden.
Hier der Überblick über die Sendung: Welcome to the 41st edition of B(A)D news: angry voices from around the world, a commonly produced monthly show of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio network, on this occasion composed by Črna Luknja, anarchist show on Radio Student from Slovenia.
In this episode we will hear contributions from: FrequenzA – A short round up about the struggle at “Danneröder Forst” in the district called Hessen. (germany); Asamblea Anarquista Valparaiso – Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the rebellion and slaughter of 81 prisoners in San Miguel prison in Santiago de Chile. (chile); Črna Luknja – is reporting on situation considering homeless situation in the capital city Ljubljana and involvement of self-organized anti-authoritarian initiative. (slovenia); Radiozones of Subversive Expressions – is sharing a report from streets and squares of Athens and approaches of political establishment towards anti-authoritarian movement and society on general. (greece); Radiofragmata – reporting on the events of 6th of December in so-called Greece. (greece); Free social radio 1431AM – is contributing an update about the situation in Greek prisons during the CoVID-19 pandemic. (greece); Dissident Island from London in the soon not to be so United Kingdom – brings another round-up of happenings from across the land covering animal rights, workers’ struggles, eco-activism and anti-militarism. (uk);

27/09/2020 – BAD NEWS #38

Ein 90er Deutschpunk-intro und sich etwas beschweren am Anfang. Dann kommt die #38 der BAD NEWS: Welcome to the 38th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for September 2020. We feature reports from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios including: – Radiofragmata (Athens, Greece) on direct actions, environmental struggles and the upcoming anniversary of the death of Pavlos Fyssas. One of his songs is featured at the end of their segment. Rest In Power Killah P!; – The Anarchist Radio Berlin in conversation with comrades from the “Burning Arks” collective, discussing solidarity work around a police operation not so well known outside of Spain, called “Operation Ark”, which took place in May of 2019; – Dissident Island Radio from London with a short roundup of union wins, animal action, eco-wars and acab ammo from a largely wet august on the steadily sinking ship that is the so called United Kingdom; – Radiozones of Subversive Expression contribute reports about the fire that recently devastated the Moria refugee camp and the evacuation of the Rosa Nera squat; – Frequenz A with a short report about the ongoing struggle against gentrification in Leipzig (Germoney); – Free Social Radio 1431AM from Thessaloniki with updates about the eviction of Terra Incognita squat, the invasion of cops in Libertatia squat and comrades in hunger strike and the martyr Ebru Timtik in Turkey.

23/08/2020 – “Identität ist Krise” & B(A)D News#37

In dieser Sendung hört ihr den Text “Identität ist Krise” zu finden in der neuen Ausgabe des Ramasuri, das Magazin für die Revolte. Zu finden auch hier: https://ramasuri.blackblogs.org/ Weiters hört ihr die neueste und 37te Ausgabe von B(a)d News – Angry Voices from around the world mit folgenden Inhalt: 1. A call for the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23.-30.8.2020); 2. Radio Fragmata (Athens): * Updates from so-called Greece; 3. Anarchist Assembly Valparaíso (Chile) * Statement on the current imprisonment of two comrades; 4. FrequenzA * An interview about the Coordinating (prisoner support) group 18th of October in Chile; 5. A-Radio Berlin (Germany) * A summary of the ongoing Mapuche hungerstrike in Chile;
Ebenfalls hier zu finden: https://www.a-radio-network.org/

19/07/2020 – BAD NEWS #36 & Kolektiva.media – a new anarchist videohosting alternative

Die Sendung hat 2 Teile: Interview von A-Radio Berlin mit dem Kolektiva.media videohosting Kollektiv; BAD NEWS #36: 1) Radio-zones of Subversive Expression (Athens) about: media foundation by the Greek goverment during the quarntine, the police violence in Exarchia some days after a squat eviction, the violence and eviction of Victoria square; 2) Črna Luknja is contributing an antireport from Slovenian unrests, that in the middle of march, because of the virus started with drumming on balconies, went on the bicycles and ended up on foot, against the right-wing government with authoritarian, neoliberalistic and nationalistic intentions; 3) Free Social Radio 1431AM (Thessaloniki) about: the arrest of two anarchist comrades in Thessaloniki, the latest developments on the shutdown and reconnection of espiv.net’s server, the violence and eviction of Victoria square; 4) A-radio Berlin: Stop the eviction of the collective bar Syndikat: “In the context of a possible summer of evictions of collective bars, house projects and youth centers in Berlin, the Anarchist Radio Berlin wants to help make it instead a summer of resistance.”; 5) Radiofragmata (Athens) with news from Greece;
6) FrequenzA with an interview with somebody from solikomitee 1007 about the street festival “resist-2” about the festival, the resistance against the deportation in the past and the trial against two persons who where part of it; 7) Dissident Island Radio: a round-up of UK-related ‘B(A)D News’

28/06/2020 – Statement zu faschistischen Angriffen & B(A)D News #35

1) Hier die Stellungnahme “Einiger aus dem EKH” 2) B(A)D News #35; Contents: 1) The Final Straw Radio show in occupied Tsalagi land in Southern Appalachia, US, got to connect with Rosemary, who is an organizer in Minneapolis, about the liberation of Sanctuary Hotel, a former Sheraton Hotel in that city, and its slow but steady transformation into something that is becoming so much more than a housing cooperative. They speak about how this resocialization came to happen, some of the circumstances involved, about how this is a very deep collaboration between un-housed folks in Minneapolis and people involved in doing care work, the power of George Floyd who was profoundly involved in doing that same kind of care work with un-housed people, and many many more topics; 2) A-Radio Berlin interviewing on a new feminist campaign in Germany to raise awareness to the abortion topic; 3) Radiofragmata (Athens) with updates on the general situation, the movement and the struggles in greek territory; 4) Invisible Radio (Greece) with some news by the voices of the voiceless (refugees/migrants); 5) R.O.S.E. (Athens) with news from Greece.

21/06/2020 – B(A)D NEWS #34

Diesmal gibt es die etwas gekürzte Mai-Ausgabe der internationalen BAD NEWS Sendereihe!
Welcome to the 34nd episode of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.
This issue is naturally concentrated on topic of corona-virus and it’s influence on our struggles. Unfortunately we have inputs only from one continent this time, but it is special due to the presence of voices of people struggling at Rojava, at Moria refugee camp and prisons in Greece. For us it’s very important to give this voices a chance to be heard. Content of this edition: – Free social radio 1431AM, Thessaloniki, Greece • Hunger strike of V. Dimakis • 1st of May in Greece • Some words about Grup Yorum, the hunger strikes and the deaths of 3 comrades; – A-Radio Berlin: Interview on the film “Radical Resilience” about political burnout and how to avoid it; – FrequenzA: The audio is from two internationalist, which are based in Rojava at the moment, about their thoughts and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the society there and why it makes sense to fight the capitalist system worldwide; – Radio Fragmata: Updates on situation in Greece and coronavirus (May Day 2020, New environment destructive policy, police brutality, refugees struggles and fascists attacks, anarchist and revolutionary prisoners situation, mutual aid actions); – Invisible Radio: Voices of people from Moria camp and Last incidents in prisons and camps in Greece;

05/01/2020 – B(A)D News Vol. 29 (Dezember 2019)

Welcome to the 29th edition of Bad News. This is your Angry Voices From Around The World for December, 2019. If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to a-radio-network@riseup.net. Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on archive.org or at our website, a-radio-network.org On this month’s show we have: A-Radio Berlin with an interview about the 1 year anniversary of the yellow vests; The Ex Worker Podcast with an audio about the situation in Chile; R.O.S.E. with an audio about demonstrations that took place all over the country and the telegraph from the state for evacuation of the squats; RadioFragmata with an audio about the acts of new democracy from the time they came to power until now;

18/08/2019 – B(A)D NEWS Vol. 22, 23 & 24

In der Sendung hört ihr Teil 22, 23 und 24 des internationalen Radioprojekts B(A)D NEWS – Angry Voices from around the world mit vielen spannenden Beiträgen aus den USA, Berlin, London oder Athen. Spannende Unterhaltung!

16/06/2019 – B(A)D NEWS Vol. 21 & Interview mit kurdischem Anarchist

Ihr hört heute die gemeinsame Radiosendung des internationalen A-Radio-Network mit Beiträgen aus Athen, Paris, London, Berlin und Bulgarien. Danach kommt noch ein sehr spannendes Interview mit einem kurdischen Anarchisten, das die Gefährt_innen aus der Schweiz für das anarchistische Radio in Zürich geführt haben.
Danke allen für die Beiträge!

03/02/2019 – B(A)D News Vol. 19 & Repression in Zürich

In Zürich gab es einen fetten Repressionsschlag gegen die anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento – ein Gefährte sitzt nach wie vor in U-Haft. Wir senden solidarische Grüße in die Schweiz und informieren in der Sendung über die Hintergründe der Hausdurchsuchung und der Festnahme. Den größten Teil bespielt die monatliche englischsprachige Radio-Show “B(A)D News – Angry Voices from […]