The war in Ukraine has kept everyone’s attention for over eight months now. Many were horrified by the atrocities that accompany war efforts and are ongoing. We see dead soldiers, tortured civilians, sad faces of those who found their relatives killed and happy cries of locals on de-occupied territories. However, not much is known about one of the most marginalized and invisible groups of the population – the prisoners.
In this interview with talk with Masha from ABC-Belarus, who wrote an article about the situation of prisoners in Ukraine and Russia. We focus on the situation of facilities in occupied territories, people inside the prisons, forced labor of prisoners and more.
Der erwähnte Artikel bei ABC Belarus:
Schlagwörter: ABC, elephant in the room, gefängnis, Krieg, russland, Ukraine
In this episode we met with a tech comrade Bikepunk from France who is participating in the federation of small Internet Service Providers in the country. We will be talking about reasons behind DIY network approach and how simple people benefit from non-commercial network providers. In second part of the show we talk about Bikepunk volunteering time in wikipedia project and what he learned from it. The challenges and the good sides of such a massive organization striving for free knowledge. Links und Tracklist auf unsere Website:
Schlagwörter: elephant in the room, internet, Interview, tech
Für diese Sendung haben eine Sendung von Elephant in the Room übernommen über die Proteste gegen das Abtreibungsverbot in Polen. Die Musik ist von The Fight. Die Sendung ist auf Englisch. Hier die Originalankündigung: Abortion in Poland was legal during Communism and became illegal (with a few exceptions) after the political shift to democracy. Since then, feminists have been active in resisting the abortion law but with little success in gaining public support or influencing legislation. This changed in 2016, when hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in what became known as the Czarny Protest, or Black Protest. It was a victory for the feminist movement and came as a surprise, especially after a similar proposal in 2011 received almost no public attention and failed to mobilise even within the feminist movement. We talked to activists from the antirepression structure and the Anarchist Black Cross Warsaw about the recent protest, how it changed the last four years, which difficulties big protest face and how the state try to repress the protest.
Schlagwörter: abc warsaw, abtreibung, Anarchist, demo, elephant in the room, Englisch, Interview, Polen, pro choice, proteste, punk
Für diese Sendungen haben wir wieder eine Sendung von Elephant in the Room zur Internationale Wochen der Solidarität mit anarchistischen Gefangenen übernehmen. Sie interviewen 2 Anarchist*innen zu ihren Knasterfahrungen und was Solidarität für Gefangene bedeuten kann.
Hört euch die Sendung an, schreibt Gefangenen, seid solidarisch!
Bis alle frei sind!
Schlagwörter: Anarchist, Anarchist Black Cross, anarchistische gefangene, belarus, Dresden, elephant in the room, Gefangene, graz, Interview, knast, radio, uk, wien
Für diese Sendung haben wir ein Interview von der Elephant in the Room Radiosendung über die Proteste in Belarus übernommen. Es geht viel um die Hintergründe warum es zu diesen Protesten kam, die Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre und auch eine kurze Analyse der Proteste aus anarchistische Perspektive.
Hier findet ihr ein weiteres Interview in schriftlicher Form, welches es nicht in die Sendung geschafft hat:
Das Interview in der Radiosendung ist auf Englisch.
Viel Spass beim Hören!
Schlagwörter: Anarchist, Aufstand, belarus, elephant in the room, Englisch, english, Interview, lukaschenko, proteste