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    ABC Wien aktivismus anarchafeminismus anarchismus antifaschismus antiknast antimilitarismus antirassismus arbeitskaempfe Aufstand Bad News besetzung bewegungsfreiheit buchvorstellung deutschland feminismus frauenbewegung Gefangene gefängnis geschichte griechenland hausbesetzung Interview italien knast lesung musik polizeigewalt proteste punk rassismus raumaneignung rechtsextremismus repression revolution russland selbstverwaltung Solidarität spanien tierbefreiung türkei USA vernetzung wagenplatz wien

29/10/2023 – Almost fully in english! – Buchmesse Zagreb, To live one’s own life, Revolution in Sudan

Today’s episode is in English (except for a short report on the Anarchist Bookfair Zagreb). Besides that you’ll hear a beautiful fictitious dialogue from 1923 called “To live one’s own life” by Emile Armand, and an input on the revolution in Sudan that was recorded at the Anti-authoritarian Gathering in St. Imier this summer.

13/02/2022 – tfsr: Anarchist Struggle in Rojava

Für diese Sendung haben wir eine Episode von The Final Straw Radio übernommen und leicht gekürzt. Hier der Originaltext und weiterführenden Links: Anarchist Struggle, or Tekoşîna Anarşist in Kurmanji, is an anarchist combat medic collective operating in Rojava since the time of the war against Daesh / Isis, though its roots go back further. For the hour, you’ll hear a voice actor sharing the words of a member of TA calling themselves Robin Goldman about the their experiences of Asymmetric Warfare waged by Turkey and its proxies in the TFSA, the culture of TA right now, the medical work they’re doing, queerness in Rojava and other topics.

26/09/2021 – War on Anarchists in Greece

Greece’s War on Anarchists. At the beginning of March 2021, the streets of Athens exploded. After months of repressive lockdown measures and a hunger strike by well-known Greek political prisoner, Dimitris Koufontinas, the atmosphere was akin to a pressure cooker and the inevitable rupture was enormous, even by Greek standards. To gain some perspective on the goings on, we checked in with Tasos, an Anarchist from the Void Network. His interview touches on everything from the history and current context in Exarcheia, to the influence played by social media and #MeToo on the Greek political situation.

03/01/2021 – Live like the world is dying ep03 – Urban Preparedness and Better Organizing Models

Für diese Sendung haben wir eine Episode des “live like the world is dying” Podcasts übernommen. In diesem Podcast der Trans*-Anarchistin Margaret Killjoy geht es um prepping aus anarchistischer Perspektive. Viel Spaß mit der Sendung! Smokey on Urban Preparedness and Better Organizing Models
Anyone in NYC interested in organizing with MACC can find out more at https://macc.nyc/ The host Margaret Killjoy can be found on twitter at @magpiekilljoy and at http://www.birdsbeforethestorm.net/

06/12/2020 – Elephant in the Room – Interview on recent Protest in Poland

Für diese Sendung haben eine Sendung von Elephant in the Room übernommen über die Proteste gegen das Abtreibungsverbot in Polen. Die Musik ist von The Fight. Die Sendung ist auf Englisch. Hier die Originalankündigung: Abortion in Poland was legal during Communism and became illegal (with a few exceptions) after the political shift to democracy. Since then, feminists have been active in resisting the abortion law but with little success in gaining public support or influencing legislation. This changed in 2016, when hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in what became known as the Czarny Protest, or Black Protest. It was a victory for the feminist movement and came as a surprise, especially after a similar proposal in 2011 received almost no public attention and failed to mobilise even within the feminist movement. We talked to activists from the antirepression structure and the Anarchist Black Cross Warsaw about the recent protest, how it changed the last four years, which difficulties big protest face and how the state try to repress the protest.

22/11/2020 – Coffee with Comrades #99 “Outward, Not Upward”

Für diese Sendung haben wir ein Interview des großartigen COFFEE WITH COMRADES Podcasts übernommen und zwar ein Interview mit der Autorin Ruth Kinna die vor kurzem das Buch “Great Anarchists” zusammen mit Clifford Harper herausgebracht hat. Großteil der Sendung ist auf Englisch.
Hier die Originalankündigung: This week, Ruth Kinna joins Pearson to talk about her forthcoming book, Great Anarchists. Ruth is an anarchist and professor at Loughborough University where she teaches Political Theory. Ruth is also the editor of Anarchist Studies, a biannual academic journal on anarchism.

16/08/2020 – Interview with an Anarchist from Belarus about the Prostests in Belarus

Für diese Sendung haben wir ein Interview von der Elephant in the Room Radiosendung über die Proteste in Belarus übernommen. Es geht viel um die Hintergründe warum es zu diesen Protesten kam, die Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre und auch eine kurze Analyse der Proteste aus anarchistische Perspektive.
Hier findet ihr ein weiteres Interview in schriftlicher Form, welches es nicht in die Sendung geschafft hat: https://de.crimethinc.com/2020/08/12/belarus-anarchistinnen-im-aufstand-gegen-die-diktatur-ein-interview
Das Interview in der Radiosendung ist auf Englisch.
Viel Spass beim Hören!

05/01/2020 – B(A)D News Vol. 29 (Dezember 2019)

Welcome to the 29th edition of Bad News. This is your Angry Voices From Around The World for December, 2019. If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to a-radio-network@riseup.net. Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on archive.org or at our website, a-radio-network.org On this month’s show we have: A-Radio Berlin with an interview about the 1 year anniversary of the yellow vests; The Ex Worker Podcast with an audio about the situation in Chile; R.O.S.E. with an audio about demonstrations that took place all over the country and the telegraph from the state for evacuation of the squats; RadioFragmata with an audio about the acts of new democracy from the time they came to power until now;